Thursday, September 25, 2008

If You're Wondering About the Economy

Read this article. Here's an excerpt:

When you, Joe Citizen, spend frivolously and default on your loans, the bank takes your house. When the government spends your tax dollars frivolously, it simply cooks the books to cover its excesses. When the books are left in ashes, the government just takes more of your money, or it prints more money, leaving the money it hasn't already taken from you devalued. Over the last few weeks, we've learned that you now face the prospect of an additional indignity: When your neighbor's bank spends frivolously and defaults on its loans, the government's going to take your money then too, to keep the bank in business.

This, actually, is the primary reason Mitt Romney should have been president. Oh well. The best we can hope for now is...come to think of it, I'm not sure. I don't have much hope left. The best I can do, I guess, is try to not be totally ignorant of what's going on. Good luck to me.

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