Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Merry Month of May

It's almost Summer. You know how I know? Blockbusters. And let me tell you, I think we're actually going to get some of the best ones early this year. I refer here, primarily, to the fast-approaching month of May.

One of them should sound familiar—meaning I already spent an entire post in breathless excitement over its upcoming release. But let me not get ahead of myself.


May 1stX-Men Origins: Wolverine – If you don't know anything about this movie…well, I don't know what to do for you. I don't want to say much. I just want to tell you (and I am, right now, telling you) to go watch the trailers for this movie. I have a lot of hope—maybe too much—for this movie. As you may or may not know, I have a special place in my heart for X2 (the second X-Men film). I've seen it probably ten times and I think it's just a really wonderful film. There's a chance this one will be better. (And please, don't mention X-Men III in my company.)


May 8thStar Trek – OK, listen. I know what you're thinking. But stop it. JJ Abrams single-handedly resurrected the coolness of Mission: Impossible several years ago with the third installment, and concurrently ended the franchise. The man is very, very good. In fact, before you make any judgments at all about what you think a new Star Trek movie will be like, I would encourage you to do your homework and go see M:I III. It's a solid film in almost every way, and about as satisfying as action movies come.

And this is the guy who's rebooting the Star Trek franchise. I'm not a trekky (I don't even know if I spelled that right), but I like a couple of the movies, and I think there's real potential for good stories to come out of that whole…universe, I guess. If anyone can capitalize on that potential, it's Abrams. So take a look at the trailers—all of them. It'll be more than worth your time. They are, as I often like to say, super slick.


And here I start to tremble.

May 21stTerminator Salvation – K, this is the one I've gushed about before. All I'm going to say now is that there's a new trailer up. And it's…well, it does nothing to lessen my crazed anticipation.


May 29thUp – If you're not amazed and in love with all things Pixar, you should be. I've devoted several blog posts to them, their films, their favorite kinds of cake...wait. No, mainly their films. So, naturally, I'm just a ittle-bit excited about their new movie. So click on that hyperlink and watch all the trailers and clips. It's going to be very awesome. Again, enough said.

And that's it for May. At least for now. There may or may not be some surprises that month, but these four are the behemoths you really need to know about.

Which means I've done my duty. Because now you know. Because you've made it this far. (I love you.)


  1. I would like to point out that, though Up is the most animated of the four, all of them are at least a 50% hybrid.

  2. My hopes for Wolverine are a bit lower than yours because they are still screwing with canon. *ie. Gambit was not around when Logan was Weapon X* Still, the graphics look awesome so I may enjoy it. Props to you for the thumbs up for X:2 which managed to be even better than the first X film *which I also loved* and applause for your mutual loathing of X:3 *which like the third highlander film should be banished from existence and forgotten about and move on with the franchise as if it had NEVER happened*
    Up looks cute but I'm not sure I'll love it as much as Wall*E. Still, I haven't met a pixar yet that I've disliked, although my love tends to gravitate to some more than others.
    Thumbs up for the May movie madness list!

  3. 1. I tried to comment on your Star Trek post but couldn't figure out where the commenting feature went. Odd.
    2. Where the heck have you been/how are you? I suppose it's about 90% my fault that I never came to movie nights. . . We should fix that?
    3. SO excited for UP.
    4. You've convinced me to go see Star Trek. I think I know about as much as you did prior to seeing the film - there are Vulcan peopleish creatures and the Enterprise . . . live long and prosper. Patrick Stewart was in it. So was Leonard Nemoy - who, by the way - made this amazing video called "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins". You should look it up.

    This is no longer a comment. I still like your blog even though it's political. And I still like you even if I've estranged myself. If you start up movie nights/go see films at all this summer, let me know!
